posted by isaiah_43 2011. 7. 11. 23:38

posted by isaiah_43 2011. 6. 17. 12:25

이스라엘의 통곡의 벽 Live 방송 보기

  122:6 예루살렘을 위하여 평안을 구하라             
             예루살렘을 사랑하는 자는 형통하리로다


.이스라엘 예루살렘 통곡의 벽 외부 실시간 화면

2.이스라엘 예루살렘 통곡의 벽 외부 실시간 화면

3.이스라엘 예루살렘 통곡의 벽 내부 실시간 화면~


posted by isaiah_43 2011. 3. 29. 03:40

박성업 선교사님 말씀영상: 내 백성을 위로하라

인류역사는 다름아닌
창조주 하나님의 사랑 이야기이다

인류의 마지막에 우리는
그 사랑이 어떻게 완성되는지를 똑똑히 볼것이다

자기의 신부 이스라엘을 향하시는
하나님의 놀라운 사랑과
그분의 완전한 지혜는
우리로 하여금 그분을 영원토록 찬양케 할 것이다


대체 하나님께 있어서 이스라엘은 무슨 의미일까?

대체 왜 하나님은 자기 스스로를
'이스라엘의 하나님'이라 부르실까?

하나님께서 '이스라엘의 하나님'이 맞으시다면
대체 유대인들은 왜 전세계 적으로 저렇게 욕을 먹는 것일까?

왜 유대인들은 그렇게도 예수를 미워하는 것일까?

지금도 계속해서 분쟁의 대상인
그 이스라엘 땅은 누구에게 속한 것일까?

영상다운로드 -

posted by isaiah_43 2011. 3. 27. 12:23
posted by isaiah_43 2011. 3. 25. 22:19

Golden Gate Gate of Mercy, the Gate of Gold, the Gate of Eternal Life, Sha'ar Harahamim - appears in the legends of all three religions. An early Jewish tradition holds that it is through that gate that the Messiah will enter Jerusalem. According to Christian tradition, Jesus made made his last entry to Jerusalem through the Mercy Gate. The Muslims refer to it as the Gate of Mercy and believe it to be the gate referred to in the Koran, through which the just will pass on the Day of Judgment.

Herod's Gate - Flower GateThe first name was given to the gate by pilgrims, who erroneously believed that it led to Herod's palace. It is known in Arabic as the Flower Gate.

Lion's Gate Known in Hebrew as the Lion's Gate. Legend has it that the lions engraved on both sides of the gate were placed there by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, because he had dreamed that he would be devoured by lions unless he built a wall around the Holy City for the defence of the citizens.

Zion Gate The western gate of the Old City, named after Mount Zion. In Arabic it is known as "the Prophet David's Gate", because one passes through King David's tomb on Mount Zion.

Damascus GateThe most massive and ornate of all of Jerusalem's gates. The road running off it leads to Shechem (Nablus) and then to Damascus.

Jaffa Gate This gate is the principal entrance to the Old City. Its name in Arabic is Bab-el-Khalil, the gate of Hebron, as the main road to Hebron started here. It was also called Jaffa Gate because the road to the port city of Jaffa (Joppa) - the coast also started from it. This gate is the only one on the western side of the Old City. A low part of the city wall was torn down and the Crusader moat of the Citadel filled in 1898 for the visit of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. This gate was also the famous scene of the English General Allenby's entrance in 1917.


Dung GateThe Dung Gate is mentioned in the book of Nehemiah as a dispatch point for the city's refuse. It would appear that it was through this gate that the refuse was removed from the city.

Sha'ar Gate Nehemiah mentions that he began his trip to the city from Sha'ar HaGai. The name refers to a site on the way to Jerusalem. The Hebrew name Sha'ar HaGai is a translation of the Arabic Bab el Wad, the Valley Gate, which leads to Jerusalem.


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